I noticed on chapter ten it talked about news conferences. News conferences are called by public relations directors where some interaction with the news media needs to take place. The situation may be when a major announcement needs to be made by management, or an event given, or when a person's time in the area is limited. The whole point or a news conference is to allow as many questions to be asked as possible.
I found a PR related news article on prnnewswire.com. The article was called, More Than 230,000 Viewers From 80 Countries Experience the DEMO 09 Conference. The main idea of the news conference was the use of technology from BitGravity, Facebook(R) and Twitter enabled the exclusive executive conference to reach and engage a global community.
In the article the Executive Vice President of Network World and DEMO states, "In today's challenging economic climate, conferences like DEMO have to be creative and rethink the ways in which they operate to reach the broadest audience in order to have the greatest impact," he also said. "By leveraging leading edge technology like BitGravity and social community-building services like Facebook and Twitter, we were able to offer our demonstrators, our live attendees and our virtual audience a world class experience like never before."
For Facebook(R) there were huge advances in that users updated their Facebook status directly from the DEMO 09 Live player and could also see and comment on status updates posted by friends and other Facebook users tuning in to the broadcast. Status updates posted on the Live Feed were published in the user's Facebook News Feed with a link tagged back to the DEMO 09 Live stream, so friends could click the tag and watch the stream while participating in the conversation.
- Demo 09's numbers included:
- 39 Demonstrator Companies
- 500+ Onsite attendees
- 80 countries viewed DEMO
- Over 230,000 views of the conference via the BitGravity player
- 4,000 Facebook status updates posted via the DEMO 09 Live widget
- 1,900 posts to Twitter and blogs
- 188,900 social media impressions from blogs and Twitter
- 25% - 40% increases in Twitter followers, Facebook fans and LinkedIn group members in the days surrounding the event.
I figured since Facebook(R) just continues to grow and this was a conference on a demo and how it worked with Facebook(R), it was a good PR article to use. To learn more DEMO 09 and how it works with Facebook go to, http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=56791963694&ref=mf.
This sounds like a great promotion for Facebook, which is already very popular. It sounds like the creators of this Demo program were really thinking of their public. People who have Facebooks often want to know what their homepage says constantly. I don't know many people who use Twitter, but I can imagine the obsession is about the same. This is why it's important for PR practioners at Demo to know what their audience wants. Up-to-date Facebook livefeed is definitely demanded.
ReplyDeleteGood post!
Millions of people are a part of the online community that is Facebook. It makes sense that the business world would want to be a part of that. It is amazing how small the world has become, people across the world are connected. DEMO 09 is basically taking a step forward in that direction. With a large majority of the young population on Facebook, it makes sense that businesses would want to be connected to that community. With so many people communicating through Facebook, it becomes fairly obvious that this is the next step.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good thing that they are using Facebook and Twitter as part of their business. There are millions of people who use Facebook and check It a couple times a day. This is a very good way to get information to people throughout the world. I think it is cool that a user can update their Facebook status and look at other friends statuses by using the DEMO 09 Live player. Being able to do this by using the DEMO 09 Live player should get more people involved in conferences.